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Presentation by Joel Barish - World Adventurer

  • Auditorium - Elliott University Center - UNCG 408 Tate Street Greensboro, NC, 27403 United States (map)

Joel Barish's presentation will focus on Deaf people around the world related to local cultures, successful Deaf businesses, and stories.

The event is located in the EUC Auditorium, at UNC-G. Doors open at 5:30pm. All are welcome. Voice interpreter provided.

Free Parking in the Oakland Parking deck! Oakland parking deck's address is 690 Forest St, Greensboro, NC 27403. You can exit from the 1st of 2nd floor exits from 7:45-8:45 the exit arms will be up, if you leave before then, please press the button and tell the attendant you went to this specific event.

Learn more at the Facebook event here.